About Me


Hello, I am Celine.

I have completed a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Biology, a Post-graduate Diploma in Social Research and Evaluation, and a Certificate 4 in Records Management; and I won a Scholarship to study a Graduate Diploma in Education (secondary school teaching).

I love reading and writing.  For as long as I can remember I have read whatever I could and have had a ton of creative ideas in my “head”.  At primary school I joined the Book Review club and recall that I loved Elizabeth Goudge’s book “The Little White Horse” and I wrote a review of it.  I also liked “Swallows and Amazons” and “A Wrinkle in Time” by Madeleine L’Engle,

Other books I enjoyed were books by Ivan Southall, like “Ash Road” and “to the Wild Sky” and along with so many others, I loved “the Secret Seven” and the “Famous Five” series by Enid Blyton.  I also found the Trixie Belden detective series by Julie Campbell Tatham, which I absolutely loved.  This was to the degree that I took all the characters from Trixie Belden and wrote my own complete novel, when I was a teenager.

This novel was about a horse racketing mystery which led Trixie and her sleuthing friends to France.  I looked in an English to French dictionary to put French words into my story.  My mum gave the manuscript to Tom Hungerford to read and he said it was very good, but he was surprised that I had not written in paragraphs!

When Mum told me this I solemnly replied “Mum I know what paragraphs are but I wanted to save paper.”   I had used lined writing paper and having often observed Dad shouting at the kids to close the fridge door and to take other money saving actions, I thought that I would save paper !!   Unfortunately since then I lost the manuscript.

At Secondary School I entered a state-wide writing competition for students, and one day I won a prize for a poem that I wrote!  I won 3rd prize and got a certificate and $20, and the best of all, a handshake with Western Australian author, Tom Hungerford!  My art teacher printed my poem, “Rock Crescendo”, on a beautiful sheet of paper with illustrations around it, but since she gave that to me in the late 1970s, I have misplaced it.  Never mind as memories serve me well, and it’s no use crying over some things I have found.

I love researching, and writing notes, story ideas, guidelines and instructions for this and that, ranging from how to use MeWe (a social media alternative to Facebook) and job aids for work (which have been well used and appreciated) to Guidelines on how to set up a free WordPress.com blog or website!

Then one day I thought “why not start a website related to reading” which is what I  LOVE doing, and ask if others want to be involved?  So, this website, Book Reviewers International, was “born.”

As the Dalai Lama said, the objective of a human being is to be happy, and as Mo Gawdat suggests in his great book, “Solve for Happy” we have the power within to rise above our challenges and to solve for happy.   Thank you for reading this.
